A few months ago, Apple is reportedly preparing iMac comes with a screen resolution of 4K HD. Still according to the news, the iMac was expected to be released in late 2014, but a new rumor turned out to reveal something more interesting.
The latest rumor has revealed that Apple was not setting up iMac with 4K resolution. Instead, according to Taiwanese research institute WitsView, a company based in Cupertino, California is currently preparing a Retina iMac comes with a screen measuring 27 inches 5K resolution.
WitsView revealed that the presence of the 5K iMac conducted by Apple in order to meet market demand. WitsView said that in the near future, the demand for products with a high resolution screen would be very high. So, do not be surprised if Apple was trying to also keep the request.
Furthermore, WitsView said that the launch of the iMac 5K will be introduced later this year. Unfortunately, Apple is not the first company to release a product 5K, because Dell has released the first 27-inch screen berukruan 5K to the public.
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